Bed Bug Heat Remediation Specialist in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Heat treatments are a popular non-toxic alternative to employing pesticides to eliminate bug infestations. According to scientific research, insects grow increasingly resistant to pesticides, yet they are biologically incapable of surviving intense, long-term control.

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How Heat Treatment Works:

Heaters, fans, and temperature monitoring devices are necessary for a successful insect heat treatment. First, heat is applied to the area to be treated. The fans then allow hot air to circulate throughout the site. No regions are missed, thanks to the temperature monitoring device.

Benefits of Heat Treatment 

  • Non-Chemical

    Chemicals can be toxic if not adequately ventilated before re-occupancy or if proper procedures are not followed. Heat treatments will not have any long-term health effects on exposed individuals; chemicals can be toxic if not adequately ventilated before re-occupancy or if proper procedures are not followed. The ozone layer can be depleted by fumigation with methyl bromide or other pollutants.

  • Single Treatment

    Heat treatments are used only once for low to mid-level infestations to eliminate all insect life stages from egg to adult successfully. On the other hand, chemicals usually need several treatments over a long period of time.

  • Reach Challenging Areas

    Heaters can enter regions where pesticides or other chemicals would be impossible to reach. Because insects are known to lurk in small cracks and crevices, re-infestation is a possibility.

  • Onsite Real-Time Monitoring

    Temperatures in various regions across the space being treated are tracked remotely using wireless sensors and computers. After the therapy, a complete report is generated. 


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